My  self  

Bhakti Shinde Dahale. 

 I am a Food Blogger by passion, and Interior Designer & Vastu Shastra Consultant and Lawyer by Profession . Currently based in Wisconsin but born and brought up in Pune, India.I moved to Wisconsin USA on 14 Feb 2015 and since my life has changed a bit.Every day i learn something new, about US culture, information , food, etc.
Before marriage i never felt  the need to cook only leaving some special dishes like indo Chinese dish , Italian dishes, all types of chaat.I was pampered a lot at home by mommy. Every day mom use to ask what i want i i used to get it.
Marriage took away my this luxury, it is said every thing happens for good other wise  today how would i talk to you guys about me.
Though Ambarish my husband never  forced me to cook  but i dont like the taste of restaurant food , what matter is the taste which i used to miss of my home made food prepared by mommy.
 thanks to whatsup  Facebook, Skype  who were my savior in this trial .My mommy thaught me through this app how to cook prefect as she does,
And today I can cook a decent meal which is healthy and imp tasty,
I love to invite Friends over for dinner. they always asked me the recipes for the dishes which i served this was an inspiration for me to write a (food blog).
A special thanks to my MOM Anjali Shinde who has been the best cook for me and whom i bug now and then to ask about traditional Maharashtrian recipes, and Ambarish who has tried all my experiments in the kitchen, he gave me all sorts of appreciation and criticism which improved my culinary skills!
Basically I m big foodie i love to cook, travel n try all new cuisine
I am so glad that you guys have visited my blog and spared your valuable time to read it.

Now  a  days  people  have  stoping  eating  at  home  might  be  because  of   work 

load time  etc.  But  it  is  healthy  way  to  eat  at  home  and  by  proper  management 

you  can  cook  at  home.
In a recent American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study, 160 women were asked about what they ate for 10 days, contacted every two hours to report what they’d recently eaten and how it made them feel. Researchers also asked them where they were eating it.
The women were significantly happier and less stressed after eating at home – where they also ate more healthily. The study concluded: ‘The home is a privileged environment that nurtures healthy eating and in which healthier food choices trigger more positive emotions.’ When we eat at home, gathering round the table helps us to establish connections that are vital for happiness and a sense of belonging.
Plus, enjoying dinner with friends leads to healthier choices – one study found that kids who ate family dinners rather than meals on the go ate more fruit and vegetables and drank fewer fizzy drinks.
I  am  going  to  share  with  now  some  recepie .


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